Health Insurance industry experts expect health insurance and health care costs to continue increasing over the next few years even after the passage of new U.S. federal regulation. If you are a normal person like me, you have not taken time to read the entire bill to see how new health insurance regulation will affect you. As a professional insurance agent, I give you these tips to help you save money on your health care and health insurance related costs.

1. Cash Pricing. By asking for the cash price, medical facilities are more likely to give you a better price because they know they get their money up front. If you do not use cash and file with your health insurance company or your dental insurance company, the doctor has to wait as much as 90 days before he gets paid.

2. Prescription Discounts. When you have to get your prescriptions filled, always ask for discounts. Not all health insurance companies pay 100% of medication costs. So, if you find yourself in the position of paying too much for medicine, ask your pharmacist for a discount plan. You will be surprised, many medical discount plans are free, but you have to ask for them.

3. Go Generic. Since there are millions of people that now have to take medications for things like high blood pressure, diabetes, and even allergies these prescriptions have become quite routine. If your doctor prescribes medication, ask if there is a generic equivalent. Many times, the generic equivalent provides just as good results as the name brand medication.

4. Ask for $4 prescriptions. Another product of being highly medicated is that many of us take drugs that have been reduced as much 99%. Another way to lower your health care related expenses is to shop at larger pharmacies like Walgreen’s, CVS, and Wal-Mart. Often, you can get 30 day supply of medicine for $4 or less.

5. Consult with a Pharmacist. One of the best ways to lower your health insurance and health care costs is to talk to your pharmacist. In many states your local pharmacist can actually write prescriptions. Your local pharmacist can give you expert advice on why you take certain medications. Your pharmacist can also make recommendations to you and your doctor regarding lower cost alternative medications that can save you money without compromising your health.

6. Consider Medication Therapy Management. As a result of the new legislation, many pharmacists are starting their own private practices for medication therapy management. In exchange for a nominal fee that is often paid by private and government health plans, your pharmacist can consult with you on a regular basis to make sure you take your medicines as prescribed. By consulting with a medication therapy specialist not only can you save money on your health insurance, but you can also get advice that may improve your health the long run.