If your are reading this, then you are wanting to know more about SR-22 Insurance in Texas.  So I am going to break everything down from the state’s perspective, the insurance agent and company’s perspective, and your perspective.  At the end of this post, you should have a better understanding of the SR-22 process.

First of all, let’s get a clearer definition.  An SR-22 is a form that is added to an insurance policy certifying that you will carry the minimum requirements for liability insurance at all times.  One stipulation in this form is that if your policy cancels, lapses, or expires, the insurance company automatically notifies the Texas Department of Public Safety.

What causes an Texas SR-22 filing

In Texas  SR-22 certificate filings can be caused by 3 accidents in the 3 followin g categories.  The first category is driving or having an accident without carrying insurance or proof of financial responsibility.  It does not matter if you drive someone else’s car, it is responsibility to make sure that you have insurance.

The second category that can cause a certificate filling is a conviction for DWI or a mandatory suspensions for violation of Texas implied consent laws.  It is widely known that getting a DWI can cause problems for your drivers license, but implied consent laws also carry mandatory suspensions for refusing or failing to submit to sobriety tests.

Having too many small moving violations in a short time period can cause your license to get suspended.  As a result, just in the other situations, in order to get your license reinstated you’ll have to purchase a Texas SR-22 insurance policy.  More importantly, driving safely can avoid a lot of these problems.

Texas SR-22 from an insurance agent and insurance company’s perspective.

Insurance companies that underwrite drivers that require certificate filings are considered high risk drivers.  Therefore, a driver with a DWI or multiple convictions can expect to pay surcharges on their policy for a minimum of 2 to 3 years from the latest driving conviction.  As your convictions age beyond 3 years, insurance companies no longer surcharge for those violations.  As far as the SR-22, companies generally charge an additional fee of $25 to $50 per 6 month policy period.

Generally, the best place to find an SR-22 insurance policy is through an independent insurance agent.  Since independent insurance agents represent more than one company, they can help you get all types of insurance without paying too much.

What to expect as a consumer

As a consumer, you still have rights even when you shop for high risk insurance.  You may be frightened at the rates, but calm down and look for agents that will educate you on what to expect along with the fees and expenses associated with getting your license reinstated.  With the access to information today, there are companies that specialize in writing Texas high risk insurance.  So you won’t have to pay an arm and a leg just for liability insurance policy.  You can thank the internet later.

In Texas, if your license is suspended, reinstatement fees range from $100 to $125.  Also, the state may also require that you pay a surcharge for up to 3 years.  Surcharges range from $100 to $2,000 per year depending on the severity and nature of the convctions on your driving record.

In short, if you need to file an SR22 in Texas,  be prepared to review your auto insurance, pay a reinstatement fee, along with a 3 year surcharge to the state of Texas.